It’s scientifically proven that when you write something down you’re more likely to remember it later. That’s why checklists and to-do lists are important to helping you run your business smoothly. They help you prioritize tasks to ensure you’re getting things done, and this should include your social media. Plus, if you’re anything like the […]
social media tips
The Modern Marketing Show, Episode 12: The 4 BS (before Social Edge) Reasons You’re Not Using Video
My team and I work with retailers in all industries and are always pushing them to use video. While many have taken us up on the challenge, many retailers push back giving us a list of reasons why they don’t want to use video, and I’m calling BS (before Social Edge) on the top four […]
The Modern Marketing Show, Episode 11: Warning! Outsourcing Your Social Media is Dangerous
This is a warning to all independent retailers out there – Outsourcing Your Social Media Is Dangerous! One of the most common questions we get asked by retailers is, “Can you just manage my social media for me?” And, with this question, we also get the many different reasons for not wanting to do it themselves. […]
The Modern Marketing Show, Episode 10: One Super Easy Way to Build a Loyal Social Media Following
As you know having a strong social media presence can have a HUGE impact on your business, so much so it can help your business’s bottom line. What’s even more important is the quality of the people who follow you across all your social channels – it’s not just about the numbers anymore. Many of […]
Top 3 Updates from Social Media Marketing World
The Social Edge team and I attended the world’s largest social media marketing conference last week in San Diego, called the Social Media Marketing World. We learned from people at Disney, Facebook, Dell, Buffer and many others, and below you’ll find my top takeaways. We also shared a few live updates on our Facebook page […]
The Modern Marketing Show, Episode 8: Do it for the ‘Gram: 1 Major Way to Get More Engagement on Instagram!
Instagram’s popularity is on the rise – more and more businesses are joining the platform to connect with their audiences online, especially if they’re wanting to reach a younger demographic. The biggest concern I hear from businesses is that their engagement has significantly dropped on the platform in recent months, and that’s due to changes […]
The Modern Marketing Show, Episode 5: Top Social Media Frustrations for Small Business Owners
You’re busy enough as a small business owner without having to worry about keeping up with your social media – and it can often be put on the back burner and in turn forgotten about by other tasks on your already long to-do list. We’ve worked with 1000’s of retailers and small business owners over the […]
The Modern Marketing Show, Episode 3: How to Get Out of the Social Media Black Hole
Let’s face it – you need social media today more than ever to have a successful small business. Customers want to be able to connect with you online, and this is the best way to do it. But, there’s a lot of information out there and so much to learn! It’s so easy for anyone […]
The Modern Marketing Show, Episode 2: 3 Ways To Take Back A Couple Hours In Your Week
With modern marketing tools like social media, email, video marketing and more it’s hard to manage it all and stay on top of your to-do list. If you’ve ever felt like there’s just not enough time in your day – keep reading! We want to share with you 3 things you can implement right now […]
Social Edge Live, Episode 33: 2017 Recap
What a year 2017 has been for social media. Although we didn’t see any new platforms emerge there were quite a few changes and updates to the sites we know and love. Let’s recap some of the most notable changes below: Snapchat introduced the SnapMap and context cards Facebook integrated stories across its entire platform […]