In last week’s blog post and video, I shared that Facebook is, indeed, not dead. 😊 One FB feature I want to encourage you to start using (or start using even more) is Stories. Have you been posting there? Using its more interactive visual effects? Reaching your audience more effectively? You should be. Learn more […]
Facebook for Business
Is Facebook Dead?
Tell me if I’m wrong, but I have a feeling you’ve been wondering lately if Facebook is still relevant to retailers. Well, I have news (which could either be good or bad depending on you)! Facebook is not dead. It’s still a strong marketing tool for retailers when used correctly. This is good news if […]
‘How to Pack Your Store During Slow Times’ – Webinar Replay
Thanks for being here! This is your replay page, along with additional information about how to join our social media training program (just for retailers), Social Edge. Today we had a fantastic webinar named, “How to Pack Your Store During Slow Times” — we covered how to make simple yet incredibly effective efforts at keeping the […]