It’s tough putting yourself out there across your social channels as an online marketer. There’s nothing worse than when your comments get flooded with negativity from people that have never met you before. Or, maybe you’re one of those people who shies away from sharing about themselves on social for fear of receiving negative feedback (which is a really big missed opportunity!). That’s why we want to share with you one Do and one Don’t to handling negative comments online.
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DO Respond
Whether positive or negative, always respond to comments made on your social. It’s a great way to show off your customer service skills. If a comment has got you heated, a good rule of thumb is to wait at least an hour before responding. This can allow for more clarity and professionalism rather than anger, denial or defensiveness overtaking the tone of your message.
DON’T Take Them Personally
I know, I know. This is really hard to do. Your business is your proverbial baby and every remark feels like a slight on how you’ve grown and nurtured it. But there could be many reasons why someone leaves a negative comment or review. Take it as your chance to respond constructively. If a negative attack on you, your appearance or a staff member comes your way, kindly respond that you don’t tolerate any form of bullying or negative speech on your pages.
You have the power to change the tone of your customer interaction. And, don’t let fear get in the way of sharing the story of your business on social.
You can catch new episodes of The Modern Marketing Show every Monday at 10 a.m PST on our Facebook Page. Replays will be available on the blog each week.
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