Fast Track to the New Reality: How Brick & Mortar Stores Can Quickly Implement Other Selling Strategies into Their Stores Amidst COVID-19
Your doors might be closed but your business is not. Learn how, amidst this ever-evolving, “new norm” environment, retailers are still out there crushing sales. From the best social selling tips to curbside pick-up and delivery options to effective video must-do’s to creating an e-commerce store overnight (yes, as in, less than 24 hours), this session will inspire with retailer successes and offer creative solutions to ensure the right adaptations for your business. Plus, gain trusted insight on new resources and selling avenues to increase your store visibility and stay connected with your valued customers.
Wednesday, May 13th at 4 pm EST
Join to get inspired by other retailers and learn:
✅ What social selling is and the different ways to sell-through
✅ Why video is a must-use tool with video best practices
✅ How to overcome overwhelm and fear of filming
✅ The fastest ways to offering new digital sales channels
Don't miss this webinar! Click the button below to register. ⬇️