Connection. There are many ways of connecting with your customers through social media, but did you realize that the copy your customers read is one of the most underrated ways? Your copy (think post captions, product descriptions, customer communication, etc.) can transform a post, image or product from falling flat to taking flight. There’s a […]
Online Marketing
3 Steps to Building an Awesome, Scalable eCommerce Website
In this current world climate riddled with COVID-19 shut downs, social distancing mandates, and skyrocketing consumer online shopping, it’s obvious that an eCommerce website is a sales channel that you should be leveraging. 💻 Whether or not you have a dedicated website, I am dedicated to seeing small business owners succeed during this trying time. […]
Why Brick and Mortars Are Losing Out If They’re Not Paying Attention to Online Search
We could bore you all day with stats about how important online search is. But take it away from stats for a minute and think about it on a personal level. When was the last time you looked up a product or a business on your phone? Maybe you were looking for a specific product […]
5 Dos and Don’ts to Website Pop-ups
If you frequently surf the web, you’ve definitely encountered a website pop-up before. And, if you have your own website, there’s a good chance you have one built-in as well. So why are they so common? Well, pop-ups are a great lead generation tool and can have great conversion rates for your website when used […]
Why You Need Up-to-Date Listings
Interesting question. Did you know that someone could be standing within 5 feet of your store, pull out their phone, search for the exact products that you sell, and you might not show up in that search? Does that sound crazy? It does to us! But it’s the world we live in and if your […]
One Tip to Optimize Social Profiles to Show Up in Google Search
Today, I want to go back to basics and talk about your social media profiles. A much more significant topic than you might think. So let’s jump right in to today’s tip. Quick question. When’s the last time you updated your social media Abouts and Bios? If you’re like most, it’s probably been awhile. Or […]
How to Get 50, 100, 1000 or More People Opening Your Emails!
Remember learning the importance of email marketing in a previous Crystal Media newsletter? If you missed it, click here to catch up via my blog post. It’s an important one. Today, I want to give you one more essential email marketing tip. That is, to analyze your email open rates. Ok, I hear you… This […]
Easy Way to Use Email Marketing to Grow Facebook Likes or Instagram Followers
I have a quick question for you. Are you using email to market your store? Can you let me know with a simple yes or no over here on this Facebook page post? Even though email open rates have decreased over the years (an average open rate today is about 15-18%; a good rate is […]
‘The Social Media 411: What’s New on the Web?’ – RDI Webinar Replay
Thanks for being here! This is your replay page, along with additional information about how to join our social media training program (just for retailers), Social Edge. Today we had a fantastic webinar named, “The Social Media 411: What’s New on the Web?” — we covered what’s new in the social media world, how it affects you […]
‘How to Pack Your Store During Slow Times’ – Webinar Replay
Thanks for being here! This is your replay page, along with additional information about how to join our social media training program (just for retailers), Social Edge. Today we had a fantastic webinar named, “How to Pack Your Store During Slow Times” — we covered how to make simple yet incredibly effective efforts at keeping the […]