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2012 Social Media Updates and Changes: RECAP
Social media sites and platforms change almost daily. Below are some major changes and/or updates we saw in 2012 from the top social media sites, as they relate to you, the retailer. Please let me know if you have any questions – enjoy! Google+ Places Becomes Google+ Local In May, Google+ decided to get rid […]
Tis’ the Season for Holiday Marketing: Easy Social Media Tips for Retailers
It’s a busy time of the year for most retailers, so I wanted to provide some ideas of what to post on your online networks to increase engagement, foot traffic and sales this season. If you have any additional ideas or campaigns that worked well for you, please share them on our Facebook page. Let […]
5 Easy Social Media Tips to Increase Attendance at Your Next Event
WATCH: [Webinar] 5 Easy Social Media Tips to Increase Attendance at Your Next In-Store Event
Google+ Local 101
Google+ Places Becomes Google+ Local In May of 2012, Google+ decided to get rid of Google Places and put all of its energy into Google+ Local. By searching for a place or store in Google+ Local, the contact information, reviews, and photos of that place appear in the search engine results page. Google+ Local is also […]
#1 Social Media Excuse Made By Retailers
I’ve had the opportunity to speak about social media marketing to thousands of independent retailers across the country over the past few years. The biggest excuse I hear as to why retailers don’t use social media to market their stores (next to not having enough time) is, “I just don’t understand it!” Some might argue […]