I attend a lot of conferences, whether I’m there to learn or teach. Whether you’re attending an in-person conference or an online training event, I wanted to share 4 tips on how to get the most out of what you’re learning. Let’s dive in!
- Show up. Ok, so this tip is more a pre-event tip, but you have to first invest time and sometimes money to attend events. I believe in continuously learning and evolving as a business owner and marketer, and I hope you have the same belief too. You have to show up, learn, and implement what you learn to stay competitive in today’s world. And I’ve heard from so many attendees that show up to my events, “I forgot about that!” or “I used to do that and I stopped for some reason. Not sure why, because it worked! Glad you talked about this.” They would have never remembered those tactics if they didn’t show up in the first place. So first step, invest in yourself and your business and GO to the event!
- Have the right mindset. If you’re in a seminar or webinar and the presenter is talking about something you already know, don’t think to yourself, “I know this already” and tune out or pick up your cell phone. Instead ask, “HOW can I use this? Are we fully leveraging this idea?” Or if you hear something that you think doesn’t apply to you, instead of tuning out, ask, “HOW can this apply to me?” Changing your mindset and asking the right questions will help you get more out of the content, even if you’ve heard it before or you think it doesn’t apply to you.
- Label your notes. If you’re like me, you take a ton of notes. While I’m taking my notes, I’ll label each note with either the initials of the person on my team that I want to research or do that task or I add the initials A.I. which stands for Action Item. After the event, I type up all the AI notes, and put them on my calendar to get done. If you don’t implement what you learn, you’ll waste your time attending the event. Make it easy to take action by labeling your notes.
- Prioritize. There’s a good chance you’ll have all sorts of ideas and Action Items to get done. Start with the things that will make the biggest impact, that also tie into your business goals. A lot of the AI’s probably don’t need to be done right away. You can save those for a few weeks or months after the event, but make sure you prioritize everything and then get to work 😊
Is there something you do that is helpful for when you attend conferences or online learning events? If so, share it with me in a comment below!
Here’s to hopefully seeing you on the next online or in-person event that I teach!
To the future,
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